International Peace Day 2022
21st September 2019 – #WorldPeaceDay is celebrated as #InternationalDayOfPeace.
Though the world boast about Peace for Climate, end of various social, religious, regional and international #Conflicts for attaining #WorldPeace, All are important but just think of the #RootCause which coax greed, separateness, duality, communism, terrorism and all fear based actions. Time is now to contemplate and #SHIFT the #MINDSET to #Positive #PotentialPossibilities w.r.t. Love, Kindness, Peace, Collaborative growth, Global Communities and expressing Gratitude for what all we already have.
Whenever I THINK about PEACE the very #FirstQuestion which triggers in my mind is #PeaceWithin me or #PeaceOutside me.
Let’s not only celebrate it is a day but let us ALL PLEDGE today to work constantly for PEACE WITHIN. When we are at peace with ourselves, by resolving our inner conflicts, we will impact the worldly peace automatically.
Let’s start aligning #Head, #Heart and #Hands with our True Self and Co-Create the Abundant Happier World.
#Think:#Feel & #Act
#AHM #3HS #TFA #MissionHappiness #BeYou
That’s the way to LIVE & LEAD #AHhaLife!
#GlobalOpenPeaceInitiative #InnerPeaceDay